Welcome to the Varne Watersports Club PWC section 

jetskiben Custom


The Varne Boat Club has become a famous centre for the PWC/ Power Boat community. Let’s keep it that way.

At all times, please show respect for and be aware of other people using the water - power boats, fishing boats, bathers and surfers etc. After launching, you must proceed out through the buoys at a maximum speed of 8 knots , your ski's idle speed. Your return should be done in the same manner. 

  1. Always give way to other craft turning to your right when facing an
    oncoming craft or boat.
  2. You and any passengers must wear buoyancy aids at all times, and it is important not to let any person use your craft by themselves, if they are not insured to do so and are not members of the club.
  3. To launch your ski at the Varne you must clearly display your V number on your craft and, more importantly, on your trailer. This is so that you can be identified in the case of emergency or if you do not return to shore. Remember: no stickers - no ride!!!
  4. Always be prepared to politely inform other users if their behaviour is not consistent with these rules. Read your by-laws booklet at the beginning of each season to refresh yourself with the laws and rules. 

TO ALL Riders of Personal Water Craft (PWC)
Local authorities have recently banned jet skis from a few places around the country due to complaints about noise and irresponsible riding by a few skiers. As usual it was the minority spoiling it for the majority.

This action has prompted our local authority to closely observe the area surrounding the Varne. The Varne Boat Club welcomes responsible jet skiers. Apart from just having fun on our skis, it is our responsibility to show others that we are safe and sensible users and respect other water users. Above are a few simple rules that we must all adhere to, in order to prevent our sport being banned from the local area.

At all times use common sense and think SAFETY! SAFETY! SAFETY!