Breaking Wind

The latest news from the Varne


Infinity Sport Kitesurfing School and Shop 

We have a great new water sports shop at Lade run by Sylwia and Pawel who teach Kitesurfing and Paddle boarding on the beach at Lade and Greatstone. The new shop is full of water sports equipment, so if its gear or lessons you require give them a call on 07949291695 or just check them out at          WWW.INFINITYSPORTKITESURFING.COM







A lone British windsurfer Jono Dunnett has just completed a windsurf/ cycle from Russia to Russia

                             Jono started May 2017 on a 3 year adventure to windsurf from the border of Russia and Norway down through Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, France Spain, France again, Italy Albania, Greece, Istanbuland the Black Sea . His plan is to keep windsurfing up to Istanbul then into the Black Sea and then eventualy cycle up to the Russian border, a distance of  over 15,000 kms!

To follow his progress go to  he has an active tracker so you can see his daily progress and read his log of his adventures. You can also pledge to buy him a coffee, a meal, or for his charity  WWF The World Wildlife Fund.

On 27th Sept ,Jono finally cycled back to the border of Russia/Norway where it all began  to "close the circle" which is Europe a truly epic feat of stamina and determination! To read Jonos story read his book "In The Balance"





1,100 is the magic number!

Since 2013 when we gave out 50 tasters/activities in watersports, year on year we have been slowly increasing our time on the water. 

In October 2018 we achieved 1,000 activities in one year in either sailing, windsurfing, kayaking or SUP.

A big thank you goes out to all our dedicated instructors and our expanding army of water sports volunteers, who made this all possible. .






Waitrose Community Matters Scheme 2020

We have just beaten the 2019 total,  raising our most ever so far  £382 in the  Waitrose Community Matters scheme.

As ever thanks to all the people who have shopped at Waitrose and put their waitrose tokens towards the club.


Saturday 4th May "Push The Boat Out"

 Thanks to all the volunteers and instructors who made it a great day even though the weather was not that warm.

It was great to see Megan back on the water again even in a modified  dry suit.


The Round Hayling Island Race date is out for 2023

This years Hayling island race date will be a two day event Saturday 16th-Sunday 17th September. More details to follow.

 The race is open to paddle boarders and windsurfers and normaly consists of a complete circumnavigation of Hayling island or shortened races as conditions on the weekend allow. Last year we managed a 3rd place in the Bridge race and a 10th in the round the island race.          So get out there training for this September!


 The Great British Paddle

Last August 2020 the club had a visit from Jordan Wylie who is attempted to SUP around the coast of the UK.

Jordan is an ex military man and one of the cast of the TV show Hunted ,he has  raised funds to build a school in the horn of Africa for children who are the victims of war, a brilliant cause. Jordan has a new book out called "The Power Of The Paddel" which covers his recent fund raising activities.


Brendon Prince is the first man to SUP around the UK

Brendon Prince set off from Torquay on the 24th April to circumnavigate the UK on a SUP with no support boat just a shore side van, 3800 km to paddle which took 141Days!

Brendon is  now trying to raise money  via "The Long Paddle 2021" to build an App in which children will be able to learn about hazards at the seaside and on their local beaches, the App will be free to schools, a briliant idea.

It is a sad fact a person drowns in the UK every 20 hrs.




WatsApp Sailing Group

There is now a WatsApp Sailing Group to let people know who, what, where and when. If you want to join in the fun then ask the sailing members to be added.




The collection has now ended for our local defibrillator well done to all those who helped with the fund raising.

The defib and box has been set up, sited outside the clubhouse for the local community, holiday makers and club members!  

They are designed to be used by anyone, even with no training. In a cardiac arrest situation with no intervention you have a 10% chance of survival, with a defib at hand that can rise up to 74% if you are treated within three minutes.

Blakemore who run the Spar supermarket at Greatstone have been brilliant and have raised £817.The remaining money has been raised from club members who have amongst other things ran two tom bolas, quiz evening and general fund raising at the bar.

A great club effort from all involved thankyou once again.











textbreakCheck out the NHS what to do for Jellyfish stings and other sea creature stings.


If you are a windsurfer this is ESSENTIAL VIEWING of what to do when it all goes wrong.

Watch the video on this page, it might save your kit and you!



Whacky Races.

Blokart Regatta

Saturday 10 March 2018

And they're off, well I think they are. Yet again The Varne Boat Club is host to the Blokart Regatta. Fantastic people braving the weather for 5 hours non stop racing. Then some serious partying tonight and back to the racing tomorrow.

D71 2681


Saturday 10 March 2018

D71 2633

Second time out and really getting the hang of it.


That’s the way to do it.

Saturday 10 March 2018

Look where you want to go and check it is safe.

D71 2592

Then give it stick.

D71 2596


Saturday 10 March 2018

D71 2616

Perhaps we could all chip in for a shave, facial and anti wrinkle cream! If only you could keep him out of the news!


The Silver Haired Racing Machine.

Saturday 10 March 2018

 D71 2655




What's in an ISUP?

ISUP Construction the inside story.

 At the Varne we have we have  the best ISUP's money can buy, RED PADDLE Co, they are 100%bomb proof built to last, look good and paddle well!

If you want to see what goes into a world class ISUP and what goes into a cheap ISUP then google

                                  "ISUP Construction from Blue Chip board Store " 

Blue Chip Board Store have over 50 years of experience in watersports and have a brilliant website from ISUP construction to whats realy in a 100%  carbon paddle, it will help you make the right choice in your next purchase and hopefully not waste your hard earned cash!.



Beach Clean.

Sunday 4 March 2018

A big thank you to all those who turned out on a miserable Sunday morning to pick up rubbish from the beach. It is quite distressing the amount collected in a short time. Let's keep awareness of the Plastic Peril alive.


Those of you who did not turn out expect your membership to rise.






Top Tip

Rigging a windsurf sail is not just a case of putting it on the beach and hoping for the best, there is a way to do it and be safe. Remember you are responsible for anybody that gets hurt or damage to property.

  1. Take your mast, boom, mast base, extension, rig puller and sail (tied or still in its bag) to the beach. None of this is going to blow away.
  2. Next take your board to the beach and point the nose into wind. Attach the mast base to the board.
  3. Take your sail out of its bag, put the bag through a foot strap to stop it blowing away.
  4. Rig your sail.
  5. Attach sail to board.
  6. Make sure board is upwind of sail and turn it upside down.

No sail should be left on the beach not plugged into a board.

If you are unsure ask someone to explain.

If you follow this simple procedure you should not lose your rig!





BloKart Sunday

Sunday 25 February 2018

17 club members many of them BloKart virgins took to the sand to have some fun without getting wet. Mark Rose & Mark Serejko did a fantastic job making sure everybody succeeded and had a great time. Given the temperature of 2 deg c at best being able to jump into a BlowKart and have fun makes the Varne Boat Club a really special club with so many activities.




Mr I'm having way too much fun.


Topper Visit
Friday 16 February 2018

Wow what a privilege to be shown round the factory and given an insight to what they do. Welding the two halves of a topper together and installing the ancillaries.

Topper are a great British success story made locally in Ashford, thank you to those who gave us the tour.








An other organised outing from the Club - this time to sail the Whitbread 60 - Bluebox out of Hamble. Eight of us in our group; - with the combination of perfect breeze and sunshine all day. Ben Ainslie and his motley crew on their Americas Cup 'dinghy' kept getting in our way,- but apart from that it was an outstanding day!





SUP NEWS, Bewl Water 2018

It has just been reported by SUP Armada who run the Guinness World Record attempts at various locations around the country including Bewl Reservoir that there will be no SUP World Record events this year. This is great shame as the club have had two great days at Bewl in 2017 & 2018, the good news is the SUP World record holders in the club ( you know who you are ) are still world record holders!



Our guys had given a fair shot last Sunday on the Topper Topaz National in Whistable. Conditions were slightly lighter than ideal - so the race was not as fast and furious as one would have hoped.
Our two boats still have managed to finish the day in high spirits, well done to Alex, Zane, Jack and Rob!
Thanks for representing the club on our first national Race for many, many years!  

 IMG 0797


Topper Topaz Race Training - The Varne WATER SPORT'S Club

Topper Topaz Race Training - The Varne Water sport's Club from Alex C H Andrews on Vimeo.


Santa crashes at sea off the Varne

SUPers search for Santa on Christmas day.






Just Chillin at the Varne

I love this photo, must be worth a free drink at the bar. If you have't renewed your membership or joined yet this is what it's all about.



 Water Sports shop  on Romney Marsh  GenXSports

Check out our  local water sports shop GenXSports and  all the very latest equipment at

The shop is located in Littlestone Road, Littlestone,  TN28 8LN on the way down to the Varne Boat club.

The shop is stocking Kite Boarding gear ,SUPs, WSUPs, wetsuits and accessories plus they have a cool coffee bar.

Brands such as Core, Brunotti, Element,Manera and Reef are in stock.  

Contact Tony on 01797 458 070 or mob 07808 548 070 for more info.



Windsurf around Europe anyone?

In 2015 Jono Dunnett became the first person to windsurf around the UK totaly unsupported in 98 days!

A copy of his book is doing the rounds in the club " Long Standing Ambition," which is an amazing read .



Winter sea temeperatures are still here, please stay warm and get seen on the water!

Hypothermia is the wrong side of cool, so please play safe.

Wear a decent winter wetsuit, boots and a neoprene beanie or hood or even a helmet.

Make sure you can also be seen at sea, BLACK is NOT a good look at sea, wear a nice bright high viz bouyancy aid or day glow head gear, (ION  do a nice hi viz beanie) Those very nice peole at our local SAR (Search and Rescue)  helecopter team at Lydd recon a good way to be spotted from the air when in the water  is to splash water up in the air, it makes you more three dimensional!


Pop in to GenXsports in the Avenue at Littlestone to see what new gear Tony has  to keep away those winter blues.

Make sure your  nice and warm before you go out.

Take a mobile phone in an Aquapac 

Let someone know where you’re going and when you’ll be back.
Buddy up if possible.

Onshore winds are safer as if anything breaks you get a free ride back to the beach.

If in doubt don't go out and don't become a statistic!


Winter Watersports monthly quiz and get together club
Great night on 30th Jan, nautical quiz and dvd's. £110  raised and donated to the RNLI guys next door, thank you all for your generous donantions. Plus ION for supplying 5 neoprene high viz beanie hats and Musto at Ashford for the very nice Musto bag  Everybody had Fish and Chips washed down with a beverage of their choice.  



Great Windsurf Videos
Check out this link a really good video on how to Carve Gybe.


Magnox 1 and Magnox 2
Fantastic new addition to the sailing fleet for members to use, and a second donation by those very nice people at Magnox.

We have also had great support from the Roger De Haan Charitable trust of over £18,600 of funding. Waitrose have helped the Varne with its Community Matters Scheme as have David Baker our local County Councillor and KCC.




A Big Thank you
Members saying thank you to everybody who has helped the club over the last years!

